Institute of History


Introductory Courses (Propaedeutic)

The Bachelor's programme in History requires students to undertake a series of introductory courses (propaedeutic) for the study programmes: BA Mono in History (180 ECTS), BA Major in History (120 ECTS) and BA Minor in History (60 ECTS). It is a methodological and not a content-related introduction. No such level exists in the BA Minor programme (30 ECTS).

The propaedeutic consists of a proseminar in history before 1800, a proseminar in history after 1800, a source course (Quellenkurs) and a Lecture course, as well as the two proseminar papers in history before and after 1800 (BA Mono, BA Major) or a proseminar paper either in history before or after 1800 (BA Minor 60 ECTS).

Students of the study programmes BA Mono in History (180 ECTS), BA Major in History (120 ECTS) and BA Minor in History (60 ECTS) can only attend exercises (Übungen), HW exercises (HW-Übungen) and seminars if the propaedeutic is completed by the registration deadline. The following dates apply. Students themselves are responsible for ensuring that the services are housed in the correct KSL containers.

Lectures can be attended independently of the Propaedeutic.