Unlocking the Tropics: Gustav Mann, Rubber and the Timing of British Resource Imperialism, 1859–1904

Dr. Moritz von Brescius, book project

I have established my expertise in the field of colonial resource extraction that forms the background of my Habilitation project through this short exploratory study. It asks about the temporal logics of rubber imperialism across the global tropics through the influential career of an economic botanist employed by the British authorities in West Africa and British India. This work partly rectifies a glaring gap that concerns the noted absence of considerations of time and temporality from new histories of capitalism and political economy. I am most grateful for the generous support of this project by the Volkswagen-Stiftung, Initiative „Originalitätsverdacht? Neue Optionen für die Geistes- und Kulturwissenschaften“, and for the kind hospitality at the Munich Centre for Global History, where this project is carried out.

Project Leader